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ZAMBONI COMPANY produce e commercializza un’ampia gamma di attrezzature atte alle perforazioni su superfici rocciose e terreni per qualsiasi situazione morfologica, per indagini geognostiche per la ricostruzione dei suoli e consolidamento di terreni, trivellazioni, palificazioni, carotaggi, ancoraggi, micropali, geotermia, stabilizzazione di frane, nuove fondazioni e sottofondazioni di costruzioni esistenti, opere di marginamento, prove penetrometriche.


ZAMBONI COMPANY, with 50 years of experience, passion and know how in the drilling trade and soil testing equipment, is pleased to bring his production to your attention. We produce coatings (three principles and rotation), simple core barrel and double core T2, T6, T6S, reductions, special spanners for double core barrel and other tools; we also produce equipment for drilling probes and any type of core bits and shoes for all your needs. Zamboni s.r.l. operates in Italy and European countries with accuracy and efficiency, trying to satisfy as better as possibile the customers’ needs.

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